There was a moment in the Bible, when 2 men were brought out in front of the crowd to decide which one they would set free and which one would hang on the cross. The FIRST man was the only perfect person to ever live. His name was Jesus, and he never did anything wrong. He didn’t deserve it. The SECOND person was Barabbas. He was a murderer, a rebel, and a terrible person, but the crowd chose Barabbas to be set free and Jesus to be killed. God allowed Barabbas to be set free and Jesus to die. It’s easy to read this story and clearly see that Jesus should have been set free and not Barabbas.
And then you realize…
I am Barabbas. I am the sinner who deserves to suffer and die, but I am also the sinner who didn’t get what I deserve because Jesus took the cross for me.
I am Barabbas. He took my place. It should have been me.